We have all enjoyed Keri's feet, Rantwick's butt, Steve's foot/farmer tan and the handsome portion of PM's face.
And this time, in the true spirit of ego blogging, I present to you a dog bite in process of healing, or a scar wanna-be:
Oh for crying out loud! As you can plainly see, I am as inept at this photo upload stuff as Steve is with his video camera! (HERE) This shouldn't have come up in my "dog bite" search, because she is such a sweetie.
That right there is a picture of the boss of me, Shawlee the lazy dog. She is so lazy she leans up against the house when she barks! She and I take long walks in the fields around here; She annoys the bunny population and I feed the mosquitoes. (I wouldn't slander her like this to her face, mind you, but I have it on good authority that she doesn't read my blog.)
I'm not really sure how I got her on here... Let's try again... Here goes nothin'!
For your viewing pleasure, I present to you a dog bite in process of healing, or a scar wanna-be:
Gosh darn it! That's the the one taken the day after I got bitten. Giving it another try... (ChipSeal grunts with effort)
I present to you a dog bite in process of healing, or a scar wanna-be:
At last! Owww! (I think I pulled a muscle patting myself on the back.)
Now of course, this is truly ego blogging. If you had any idea how many pictures I took to get that shot! I got the late afternoon sun, a good flex going to show off my muscles, six or seven different angles, sixteen or so shots from each angle- Oh yeah! Ego blogging for sure!
But when I slow down to consider the marvelous way the healing process takes place. It must be a vastly complex process. Have we ever made a machine that can heal its self?
I have to wonder where the information comes from. Not just the raw information held in the genetic code, but how such data is transmitted. The vast amount of data available is just a part of it, the data must be "read" on a cellular level too.
A lot of information can be transmitted by Morse code, for example, but unless you can understand the language, it is meaningless to you. How could such a complex language be developed by chance? It seems to me it must take a lot of faith to believe such an implausible notion.
A dog came out after us on our breakfast ride yesterday. It was a small dog and ran along the curb but didn't actually come out in the street. The rider just ahead of me has been bitten twice while riding, so after we left the dog behind I said, "OMG Nancy! That dog didn't bite you!"
ReplyDeleteShe replied sardonically, "It's because I left off the A-1 Sauce this morning."
Seems to me there's a new emerging trend... posting pictures of your dog! What could be more germaine to cycling than a dog photo?
ReplyDeleteNo offense to your healing or your leg, but Shawlee was my favourite part of that post!
or arrogance that stinks to high heaven?
ReplyDeleteStinky arrogance! Isn't that the worst?
ReplyDeleteWhat a curious comment, twister! I am wondering what in this blog post displayed "arrogance"? I am willing to discus ideas, and entertain substantive objections. I have the courage to post my convictions and expose them to the slings and arrows of mockers who cowardly hide in anonymity.
Perhaps when you gather your wits you would care to object with a little more clarity to your reasoning? After all, arrogant people such as I have difficulty with introspection!
"How could such a complex language be developed by chance? It seems to me it must take a lot of faith to believe such an implausible notion."
ReplyDeleteExpressing my opinion about your statement above I said what I did. In other words to believe something so wondrous could happen by chance would be blind arrogance. I didn't mean to imply your statement in itself was arrogant. In other words, I agree w/ you.